Tuesday, December 2

Another one on Mumbai Massacre

Thought of sharing my thoughts which came across from various sources in the internet

Who deserves more?

1. Do not worry about those who have come thru boats... Our forces can easily defeat them. 
WORRY about those who have come thru votes....
 Those are our REAL ENEMIES…. 
2. What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG Force was transported into ordinary BEST buses, whereas our cricketers are transported into state of the art luxury buses, these Jawans lay down their lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they lose a match, we worship these cricketers and forget the martyrdom of these brave Jawans.
The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the cricketers and the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.
3. An ace shooter shoots and gets gold medal, govt gives 1cr, another shooter dies while shooting terrorist, Govt gives 5 lakh. WHO DESERVES MORE? Huh..


Need of the hour!!


We need Politicians who are educated with a vision to improve the quality of living of all citizens and take our country to greater heights with unbiased views..He should fight to improve the image of our country rather than spending time on boasting about himself and the party and stop playing the blame game..Should formulate steps to eradicate poverty,corruption,communal riots,unemployment etc etc...It is not a dream because post independence we have had some leaders with all the above said qualities..But none of them are alive now..Its our responsibity to find and vote for such a person instead of voting for some idiots whose only qualification wud be that either his uncle,aunty,mummy,daddy,step father or step mother was in politics..




To purify the Indian system (political, economic, social, financial, etc) during a transition period of 5 years under the Indian Armed Forces headed by the President (not Pratiba Patel)

1. Choose Section 49(0) instead of voting for any political candidate
2. Write 'We want Indian Armed Forces to take over administration'
3. Tell the politicians to QUIT INDIA. Boycott their meetings, gatherings, interview etc. starting TODAY.
4. Don't pay taxes if your govt (local/state or national) don't provide security or service to you. Hold them accountable.
5. Stop all bribes. If anyone asks, record it using cameras, video, audio and put it online, on TV, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets.
6. Rename India to Hindustan. India and Indian is a derogatory term given by the British colonialists to coloured people in the subcontinent and the americas (red-indians). Red Indians call themselves native americans.
7. Put the former ministers and politicians on trial through Military COurts and court marshall them if guilty

As soon as possible. Latest by the next general election in May 2009.

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